A site license for CasaXPS (whether for a company or a university) is very reasonably priced.ĬasaXPS is also a data browser for VAMAS (ISO 14976) Surface Chemical Analysis Standard Data Transfer Format. In fact, CasaXPS is so prevalent that Google Scholar identified about 900 papers that cited CasaXPS last year alone! For large companies that have surface analysis systems from multiple manufacturers, CasaXPS is a great way to compare data sets from different instruments. However, many surface scientists who run PHI, Thermo, and JEOL XPS systems use CasaXPS for their XPS data processing. PHI, Thermo, and JEOL(XPS) do not sell CasaXPS directly. The surface analysis system companies that currently sell CasaXPS include: CasaXPS ( Computer Aided Surface Analysis for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) was created to provide the additional functionality that these scientists required. Frequently, however, the functionality isn’t sufficient to meet the needs of research scientists who routinely work with XPS spectra. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy or XPS (also known as ESCA, an abbreviation for Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis), has become one of the most prevalent surface analysis techniques for the characterization of solid surfaces in vacuum.